🦸Superfarm Request
Apply to make your own Superfarm positions and rewards distributions.
Want to make your own single sided stake or reward an LP token?
For now, visit discord to request your superfarm positions (must have some social proof for your token). When governance is live this process may change.
How it works:
-First make sure the token that is getting rewards and the reward token are both listed in the token-list. https://github.com/nexusportal/token-list -Select the erc-20 token or the LP token address that you want to send rewards to. -Select the token that you want to use as a reward. -Select the rate that you want to distribute the rewards i.e. 1 $XYZ per block. -Consider what your first deposit will be and how long it will take to fully distribute. For example, 1 Million $XYZ to be distributed for about 1 month. There are approximately 43200 blocks per day on XDC network. 1 Million $XYZ / 43200 $XYZ per day = 23.14 days. -Wait for Nexus team to execute your settings. -Make your Deposit of 1 Million $XYZ into the NexusGenerator smart contract and your reward will start to distribute! Their is a 1% fee on superfarm deposits that go to the Nexus Treasury. (Warning, your settings must be set in the contract before you make a deposit! Vist discord and make a ticket if you have any issues or questions.) -Note you can add multiple rewards to different single side or LP token stakes, making multi-earning stakes, so consider those options.
How make a deposit
-Make sure your LP or Token has been added to the superfarm and has a PID. -Get your PID by pasting your LP or token address and calling the GetPoolID function in the block explorer. -Make sure your reward token and other are listed in the token list (see above). -Before you can make a deposit you must give approval for the NexusGenerator to transfer then token. Go to your Tokens Write Contract page Set approval for the NexusGenerator Address. -Open the NexusGenerator Write Contract page in the block explorer and find the DepositRewardToken. -Add your PID. -Add your RewardToken address that will be distributed to users. -Add your deposit amount in WEI. Use a converter to find the WEI value https://eth-converter.com/ -Click Write and confirm with your wallet. Congrats, you should now see your rewards being distributed in the NexusGenerator Farm page! NexusGenerator Contract: https://xdcscan.io/address/0x8Ad2D1A537fe16d1C619fD877a26FA584798107f#readContract
Last updated