πŸ”‹Nexus Generator

This is where NEXU rewards are earned and distributed!

Add liquidity and Stake it to earn NEXU Token!

1 NEXU is generated every block and is distributed proportionally to Liquidity Providers that Stake their NLP Tokens into the Nexus Generator. Inflation reduces by a small percent everyday. 10% of the rewards per block are automatically distributed to the Nexus Core Multi-Staking System anytime someone interacts with the Nexus Generator system.

The Rewards column shown for the Pairs below is the amount of NEXU that is proportionally distributed to NLP Stakers of that pair each day! The more NLPs you stake the more of the daily NEXU reward you will get! Some pairs may earn multi-rewards through the Nexus Super Farm Mechanism!

πŸ’«Nexus Cycles

Starting at 1 NEXU Per Block and gradually and exponentialy decreases by 0.001% about every 84K blocks which is about 1 day.

The NexusGenerator is the main Contract that has the ability to mint $NEXU as rewards for LP Stakers and Multi-Stakers. There is no other way $NEXU can be minted (NEXU may be minted by other smart contracts in future updated versions of the Nexus). The Ownership of the $NEXU Token contract is given to the NexusGenerator Contract to mint rewards. Maximum of 1.1B NEXU to ever exist.

πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎSuper Farm

Last updated